Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hello again

It's time once again to set fingertips to keyboard and pick up where we left off almost two eventful years ago. Friends and relatives have passed on, loved ones believed lost have resurfaced, and my novel, about a boy who thinks he's a raccoon, remains an unfinished, unfocused collection of disparate images and half baked ideas. At this point, I'm not even sure who my target audience is. But I'm content or at least reconciled to the thought that it's best to let the story unfurl at its own pace, or lack thereof.

Anyway, please put us back on your list of desultory philippics. Check in periodically. We'll try not to disappoint.


Gaylord said...

Bob, did you know there's another Barbaric Mystical, Bored on Blogspot? I accidentally went there when I was looking for you.

Gaylord D'Dutz said...

Who is "we"?

walkin' tree said...

Sorry. I meant Gary Busey.